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Road map 2024

The largest and unique Super rare NFT marketplace For crypto-collectibles

liningFirst Quarter


Concept Development

  • Vision and Strategy: Define mission, goals, and long-term vision. Outline key strategies for development and growth.
  • Research and Analysis: Conduct market research and competitor analysis to identify opportunities and challenges.
  • Roadmap Creation: Develop a detailed roadmap to guide project progress and milestones.

Team Assembly

  • Hiring Experts: Recruit experienced professionals with diverse skillsets ( designers, developers, marketers, blockchain specialist).
  • Advisory boardy: Assemble an advisory board of industry experts for strategic guidance and support.
  • Team Collaboration: Foster a collaborative work environment for effective communication and team work.

Whitepaper Release

  • Drafting the whitepaper: Create a comprehensive document explaining the project’s concept, technology, tokenomics and roadmap.
  • Peer Review: Seek feedback from industry experts and make necessary revisions for clarity and accuracy.
  • Publication: Publish the white paper on the project’s website and distribute it to potential investors and community members.
lining2nd Quarter


Waitlist Registration

  • Launch Registration Platform: Set up a user-friendly platform for waitlist registration.
  • Incentives for Early Sign-ups: Offer incentives like bonus token, referral bonus or exclusive access to encourage early registration.
  • Data Collection: Gather relevant information from registrants to personalize their experience.

Community Building

  • Social Media Campaigns: Engage with the community and attract new members through social media platforms.
  • Partnerships: Form strategic partnerships with influencers

Exclusive Updates

  • Sneak Peek: Provide waitlist members with early access to project updates and developments.
  • Newsletter: Send regular newsletter with then latest news, progress and upcoming events.
  • Feedback Collection: Encourage waitlist members to provide feedback and suggestions to help shape the project.
liningThird Quarter

Test Phase

Beta Testing

  • Launch Beta Version: Release a beta version of the platform to waitlist members for testing.
  • User Testing: Collect feedback from users to identify bugs and areas for improvement.
  • Continuous Improvement: Implement changes based on user feedback to enhance the platform.

Bug Fixes and Improvement

  • Issue Tracking: Use a tracking system to monitor and priortize.
  • Development Sprints: Organize development sprints to address and resolve issues effectively.
  • Quality Assurance: Conduct rigorous testing to ensure the platform meet quality standards.

Final Testing

  • Comprehensive Testing: Perform extensive testing to validate the platform’s functionality, security and performance.
  • User Acceptance Testing: Allow a select group of users to test the final version before the official version.
  • Launch Readiness: Ensure all aspects of the platform are ready for the official launch.
liningThird Quarter


Airdrop Announcement

  • Eligibility Criteria: Define participation criteria, such as holding specific token or completing specific task.
  • Marketing Campaign: Promote the airdrop through a marketing to attract participants.
  • Detailed Guidelines: Provide clear instructions for participation.

Token Distribution

  • Verification Process: Verify participants eligibility for fair distribution.
  • Token Allocation: Allocate token to eligibility participants based on predefined criteria.
  • Community Engagement: Communicate and ensure timely delivery of tokens.

Community Engagement

  • Engagement Activities: Host events, contests and giveaway to engage and reward the community.
  • Feedback Loop: Encourage participants to share feedback on the airdrop process.
  • Ongoing Communication: Maintain open channel for questions and concerns.
liningThird Quarter

NFT Integration

NFT Market Launch

  • Marketplace Development: Build a robust and user-friendly NFT marketplace platform.
  • Diversity Offerings: Ensure a wide of NFTs are available, including arts, collectibles and virtual assets.
  • User Experience: Focus on creating a seamless and engaging user experience for buying, selling and trading NFTS.

Exclusive NFT Drops

  • Limited Editions NFTs: Release exclusive, Limited edition NFTs to reward early supporters and community members.
  • Collaborative Drops: Partner with artists and creators to offer unique and valuable NFT collections.
  • Promotions: Promote NFT drops through social media, newsletters, and community events.


  • Artist Partnerships: Collaborate with renowed artist and creators to expand NFT offerings.
  • Joint Venture: Form joint ventures with other projects to create innovating and exciting NFT experience.
  • Community Involvement: Encourage community members to participate in NFT creation and promotion.
liningThird Quarter

Private Sale

Private Sale Announcement

  • Eligibility Criteria: Define the criteria for participation in the private sale, such as investment amounts or prior involvement.
  • Detailed Information: Provide comprehensive information about the private sale, including terms, conditions, and benefits.
  • Marketing Efforts: Launch targeted marketing efforts to attract potential investors.

Exclusive Access

  • Early Investors Benefits: Offer exclusive benefits, such as bonus token or early access to features, to private sale participants.
  • Priority Support: Provide priority customer support to private sale investors.
  • Exclusive Updates: Keep private sale participants with regular and exclusive updates.


  • Investment Goals: Set clear fundraising goals and allocate funds to support project development and expansion.
  • Investor Relation: Maintain transparent and open communication with investors to build trust.
  • Use of Funds: Ensure funds are used effectively to achieve project milestones and deliver value to the community.
liningFourth Quarter


Exchange Partnerships

  • Identify Exchanges: Research and identify reputable crypto currency excange for listing the token.
  • Negotiations: Secure favourable listing terms through negotiations with exchanges.
  • Partnerships Announcement: Announce exchange partnerships to the community and investors.

Token Listing

  • Official Listing: List the token on the selected exchanges and ensure it is available for listing.
  • Liquidity Provision: Provide sufficient liquidity to support smooth trading and minimize price volatility.
  • Market Monitoring: Monitor market volatility and address any issue that arise.

Market Awareness

  • Promotional Campaigns: Launch marketing campaigns to raise awareness about the token listing.
  • Media Coverage: Seek media coverage and publish press release to reach a wider audience.
  • Community Updates: Keep the community informed about listing and related development.
liningFourth Quarter


Staking Platform Launch

  • Platform Development: Develop a secure and user-friendly staking platform for token holders.
  • Security Audits: Conduct security audits to ensure the platform’s safety and reliability.
  • User Onboarding: Provide detailed guides and tutorials to help users get started with staking.

Staking Rewards

  • Reward Structure: Define the reward structure and incentives for staking tokens.
  • Reward Distribution: Distribute staking rewards to participants based on their staked amount.
  • Regular Updates: Keep users informed about reward distributions and any changes on the staking programs.

Community Incentives

  • Long-term Incentives: Offer additional rewards and benefits for long-term stakers.
  • Exclusive Benefits: Provide exclusive benefits, such as early access to new feature or products to stakers.
  • Community Recognition: Recognize and reward active and supportive community members.